Monopoly (2021)

I worked on this as a self invested project, recreating Monopoly in Unity was a great test of my programming skills gained thus far.
I wanted to create the game Monopoly from scratch using given art assets. I coded an entire game of Monopoly that can be played by anyone, and it will function just like the original board game.

Design Goals

For Monopoly, I aimed to match the game as much as possible. Monopoly is a well-designed game that I decided early in the production that I didn't want to change much beside putting a thematic spin on it like the new board games do.

House Rules

The House Rules code here sets extra rules and bonuses for the game that you can set in the setup that applies for the entire next game. From left to right, the house rules include:
-How much money is earned by passing GO.
-What free parking does when landed on.
- How much money each player starts with.

Scene Transition

This helps the manager transition the scene from the front end to ingame and keeps track which one is open. It also spawns the players pieces on the board depending on how many players there are.

I’d love to be a part of your team in the future!

- Fits well for teams requiring:
3D Modeling, Texturing,
Environment Art, Level Design
Please contact me below at:

local to Austin, Texas